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Listed buildings generally have poor thermally and acoustically efficient windows at South East Secondary Glazing we understand what it takes to install a premium product designed to cut noise or make your property more thermally efficient whilst still preserving the look of your listed building. Our secondary glazing will also help you to save money on your energy bills as well.
Give us a call for a chat about your project or to book us to take a look and give our best advise all completely free of charge. We work closely with local councils if needed to provide as much information about your listed building on your behalf as they need which can include drawings, attending site visits and general liaison with the planning officers.
A listed building in the United Kingdom is a building that has been placed on the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.
A listed building may not be demolished, extended or altered without special permission from the local planning authority (which typically consults the relevant central government agency, particularly for significant alterations to the more notable listed buildings). Exemption from secular listed building control is provided for some buildings in current use for worship but only in cases where the relevant religious organisation operates its own equivalent permissions procedure. Owners of listed buildings are, in some circumstances, compelled to repair and maintain them and can face criminal prosecution if they fail to do so or if they perform unauthorised alterations.
In England, there are approximately 374,081 listed building entries. (An entry can sometimes include more than one building, such as a terrace.
Below is a grade 2 listed farmhouse in Kent the lines and colour were matched exactly even with the wooden arched window the secondary blends in very well.
Grade I or II* listed buildings are those of ‘outstanding architectural or historic interest’. The difference in grading between Grades I, II* and II is not significant as far as the need to apply for listed building consent is concerned; the principal practical implication of grading is that a higher Grade I and II* listed building may be eligible for some grants and other forms of funding that are not available for Grade II listed buildings.
The listing does not guarantee that the building will never be altered, demolished or developed, but by requiring the owner to get listed building consent for the work and providing interested parties with an opportunity to comment or object. Listing a building ensures that the special historic and architectural interest of the building is taken into account in any planning decisions relating to the building.
It is not true that only the facade of a listed building is protected. Listing a building covers all parts of the building, including the interior. The listing also protects some fixtures and fittings, as well as outbuildings, boundary walls and all other structures ‘within the curtilage’